The Core Coaching Method Mentorship with Danny Matranga

Take your fitness business to the next level with a fully online curriculum capped by an integrative, hands-on, two-day in-person mentorship.

What’s Included:

  • 6 weeks of lectures/presentations that you can go through at your own pace on topics ranging from programming, fat-loss, muscle growth, training older adults, nutrition fundamentals, advanced nutritional concepts, + more! These lectures are designed to help put you in a position where you are confident training anyone (two lectures/week).

  • A once-weekly virtual meeting with coach Danny and your intake cohort to review your learning and tailor it to your business and blindspots. Groups will be SMALL and allow for adequate time for each mentee.

  • Continued email access to coaching Danny for support and education.

  • (ONE) optional two-day visit with Coach Danny at the Core Coaching Method Studio to work on taking your in-person, online, or hybrid fitness business to the next level. This will be live at the Core Coaching Method studio in Sonoma County (1 hour from SFO and OAK, 15 minutes from STS).

What’s included during the two-day in-person portion of the mentorship?

Day One

  • One full day of shadowing sessions with Coach Danny (up to 6 one-hour sessions with clients learning the how/why that drives effective, hands-on coaching).

  • A one-hour session with physical therapist Dr. Brandon Baranzini will take your client intake and assessment to the next level.

  • Optional opportunity to train Coach Danny and have your training style/acumen critiqued constructively in a way that will make you a better in-person or online coach.

Day Two

  • Sit down with coach Danny and review your current fitness business, where you can improve, where you can grow, and how to build a moat that helps you retain the clients you already have

  • Unpack, refine, and optimize your current branding strategy and learn to set yourself apart in a highly saturated industry in a way that feels authentic.

  • Work with Coach Danny to plan your continuing education, certifications, and growth for the months and years to come. This ensures that you only partake in the best courses and educational opportunities, and saves you from the ones that simply aren’t as good.

Continuation (Virtual)

  • You’ll receive coach Danny’s personal email for questions/help with your personal fitness business for 6-months following the completion of the program.


How long are the lectures/online modules? Each bi-weekly lecture is around 40-60 minutes in length. More than enough time to study, take notes, and implement.

How is progress tracked/ensured throughout the mentorship progress? At the end of each module, there will be an exam or practical. These are nothing to stress about. They simply represent an opportunity to see how you are progressing in the process.

How much experience do I need as a trainer/fitness coach to be a good fit? The mentorship is perfect for new/intermediate fitness professionals, you don’t need years of experience to get caught up.

What if I can’t attend the in-person section? While we believe the in-person capstone event to be the best part of the mentorship, is not required.

Can I do this mentorship If I am not a trainer? Yes, but you will not get the same out of it.

What’s the best way to travel to the Core Coaching Method Studio? Both San Fransisco and Oakland Airport are around 1 hour away from the CCM Studio. Santa Rosa Airport (STS) is only 15 minutes away.