• Jenn C.

    I can not begin to describe how valuable I found my coaching experience with Danny! I embarked on my first ever massing/bulk after I learned that It was not possible to "diet down" to the shape I wanted for my lower half. I am close to 50 and began to get "saggy leg syndrome". I needed to fill out my legs and glutes, and in order to do that I needed to eat, a lot! I found massing mentally and emotionally challenging, (especially since women are programmed since birth to take up less space, be small, etc). I used a highly reputable diet coaching app to execute my bulking/massing phase.

    The change in perspective was not easy, I had to work at it. I knew I was going to need help and my current coach was just not available. He created a program for me, but it was virtually a contactless experience and one that left me feeling like I was often on my own. A program whether created for you personally or not is not coaching, it's just a program. Additionally, the app (which is highly recommended) was very aggressive with my bulking and increasing nutrients, and I felt like I had no one to connect with personally with my questions, concerns, and the growing insecurity about gaining weight.

    I had been listening to Danny's podcast for a while, and frankly thought he was kind of too good to be true... he couldn't really be that genuine, could he? His frank and funny candor was refreshing and he mentioned something on his podcast about women bulking and how it is challenging. He even took time to respond to a DM once when I was feeling down and he encouraged me to persevere.

    Finally, I was going to quit or get help. And I hate quitting. I filled out the interest form and very quickly we had an appointment to chat. I was very honest with Danny that I not only needed a coach, but a therapist to talk me off the 'massing ledge' as I continued to gain weight. Person-to-person contact for me was crucial. Danny listened to all my concerns and I could tell in just a few minutes he really IS that genuine and that he was exactly what I needed

    Danny decided to not increase my nutrients as I was gaining roughly .5 lbs a week and we decided to keep this a very slow but steady bulk. I got my new programs from Danny designed to develop my legs and glutes. You can tell by my pictures that we were VERY successful! There were many times I wanted to quit, there were great weeks and hard weeks. Danny was there through it all. I have already recommended him to quite a few friends who saw my success and wondered what I had going on. Quite simple- Danny is as good as he sounds and is an excellent coach.

    Don't get me wrong, I busted my ass, quite literally. I was very compliant with my program and my food. I worked very hard, food prepped, logged food, and sweated. When I thought I was done at 3.5 months he encouraged me to go for the round number of 4 months. And I did, and I am proud to say that my 8-week massing experiment developed into 4 months of gains!

    At no time did I feel like I was doing this alone. Danny was always highly responsive and would get back to me so quickly sometimes it was surprising, or watch the IG stories of my workouts and encourage me or leave feedback. He read my weekly check-in forms and altered the following week's programs accordingly.

    I have every intention of massing again in late fall through early spring and hopefully competing in my first bodybuilding show next summer. You already know who I will be calling to be my lifeline through my next massing phase!

    One last thing: I am a wife, mom of two kids, a School District Admin of a city school district, and a Doctoral Student. There are no excuses, If I can do this, anyone can!

  • Mary H.

    When I first began working with Danny in 2018, I was still getting back into shape after having my child in 2014. Before I had my child, I had danced and was very fit, but his birth, years of nursing and other life events, left me feeling beat down and not good about myself. When I began working with Danny I was doing body combat a few times per week, occasional zumba, and wrote down my lifting workouts from Karinelle youtube videos that I had found on the internet. I really, really wanted to use the squat rack but I was very intimidated and wouldn't let myself even try.

    Danny sent me workouts through his app and I started to use MyFitnessPal and sent him my food each day. I was a vegetarian and I was only eating around 40-50 grams of protein per day. I also didn't drink much water and ate very low carb because I thought that if I ate carbs, I would get fat. I had been a very fat child, and come from a family of unhealthy eating and obesity.

    Overtime, Danny introduced me to new machines and lifts. I have been constantly challenged by his workouts and programming. His coaching helped me survive the pandemic when body combat was shut down. I am especially grateful for his coaching support during that challenging, isolating time.

    I now use the squat rack, eat lots of carbs and protein, and have gained a ton of strength! I've most enjoyed learning from his coaching. I listen to his podcasts and follow his content on Instagram. I send him questions and have learned so much! My strength has skyrocketed as has my comfort level in the gym. I no longer feel the need to constantly diet and get smaller. I'm enjoying taking up space, nourishing my body and pushing myself past my limits. I've fallen in love with lifting and Danny's patient approach and coaching have helped me embrace this new lifestyle. I'm never looking back and am excited to keep training and improving.

  • Paulina K.

    I started training with Danny this past March. I’d been following him for quite some time, and feeling like I had sort of hit a plateau in my training and my physical journey, I decided to send him an email. I can honestly say now, that that was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Aside from the physical transformation in my body, I’ve changed and grown so much mentally, in my training performance, and in my daily habits. He’s taught me what taking care of yourself really looks like - yes it takes discipline, lots of trial and error, and a lot of hard work, but it’s also so exciting and fun.

    There’s always that fear with an online coach, that the connection and access won’t always be there, but somehow, Danny always is. If I have a question about nutrition, I send him an email or text, and within minutes I get a response. If I’m at the gym and need help on form, I send him a video and he gets right back to me with pointers. He provides that constant support you want from a trainer, and shows that he genuinely cares about how you’re doing and how he can help.

    For me personally, nutrition was the thing that I needed the most help with. Admittedly, never having tracked macros and calories before, I was a little nervous - but with Danny’s support, it quickly became easy. Of course, there were hiccups along the way, but that’s all part of it. When it came to nutrition, I used to have this black and white, all or nothing mentality - that if I wanted to see results, I would have to eat nothing but chicken, rice and veggies. I can confidently say that I’ve eaten more interesting and exciting meals now, than before I started working with Danny. Through his coaching, I’ve learned that nutrition isn’t about being perfect all the time - it’s about balance. People are shocked when I tell them that I still have ice cream, or burgers, and that yes, it fits in to my plan. And even in moments where I feel like I “messed up”, Danny doesn’t - there’s no shaming, or guilt tripping from him, and because of that, I’ve learned to stop doing that to myself.

    Being coached by Danny has transformed me in so many ways, all for the better, and I’m just so excited to keep going and to see where else this journey goes. Thank you Danny so much for everything you do, you really are an amazing coach!

  • Elizabeth B.

    I've been working with Danny for the last 5 months and I've seen so much change! Not only in the gym and the mirror, but in my relationship to food, the way I think about training and respect and understanding he's helped shape around my body. Danny has made the mystery of reshaping my muscle a super simple and clear process and has been there for every question, every insecurity, and every set back along the way, cheering me on from the sidelines.

    He's been an invaluable resource and without his steering, insight, and wealth of knowledge in the fitness and nutrition space I'm not sure that I ever would have built the relationship to the gym that I have now. I'm beyond grateful for his insights and the space he's made to be such an open resource for his clients!

  • Amanda L.

    In late April 2021, I decided to hire Danny after almost a year of following him on Instagram. I loved his content and sensed he could be trusted in an industry where most do not have our (women's) backs. I was processing a very hard break-up, other personal hardships and working on my mental health. For years, I put my physical health on the back-burner and felt too drained to prioritize that as I was trying to take care of myself and everyone else. I finally realized it was time to "work out" these emotions out of my body, however I struggled with consistency over the years and turned to food as comfort during hard times. I knew I had it in me to get back on the wagon because of my own history with fitness, I just needed help to do so. Asking Danny to be my coach was the best decision I've made for my health this year. In only 3 months, I've seen significant progress on the scale, in photos, in the way my clothes fit, but most of all - I feel confident for the first time in years. I also feel stronger physically and mentally, utilizing exercise as a stress-reliever. It's become something I look forward to as part of my routine and has brought me closer to body, mind, and spirit alignment. My relationship with food has changed significantly as well, by simply tracking what I eat and aiming to hit nutritional targets. Danny is super encouraging, helpful, personable, trustworthy, and understanding. I've worked with several coaches in the past and he is a stand-out and truly special. I am so thankful that he is my coach and look forward to what I will achieve in the next 3 months and beyond!

  • Ted T.

    “There are also a number of other qualities that Daniel brings to our work: He brings energy, focus, and planning that keeps our sessions lively, interesting, and fresh. He brings outside knowledge in the science of nutrition, biomechanics, and physiology, and by sharing this knowledge with me, deepens my understanding of and commitment to our work together. And, perhaps most importantly, he brings Himself to each session which creates an atmosphere of trust and authenticity in our work together.

    In closing, I must say that I could effectively and safely continue my work on my own but choose to continue with Daniel for all that he brings over and above his substantial expertise in the basics of training: his work ethic, honesty, commitment to our work, innovation, explanation, and motivation.

    I can unequivocally give Daniel Matranga the highest of recommendations.

  • Mark S.

    Does on-line coaching work? Short answer is yes. The commitment and dedication that you hear on Danny’s Podcast is exactly what you get when having him as a coach. Before the pandemic I worked with an in-person personal trainer. I’m not calling the trainer a coach because during the 13 months that I worked with a trainer I did not learn any sustainable habits or make any progress towards my goal. I’d show up for the one-hour session three times a week and was fed exercises, sets and reps. In the first 3 months while working with Danny accomplished more, I cut 36 pounds of body fat, set a deadlift PR of 365 pounds, dumbbell chest press of 90 pounds to name a few. However, the greatest things that I learned are patience and to enjoy and learn from the process because change does not happen overnight. Having an A-type goal-driven personality was the hardest lesson for me. Some of the greatest life skills that I learned working with Danny are long-term and sustainable habits. When I started with Danny, I weighed in at 235 pounds – a lot of weight for being 5’ 7” tall. And now I weigh in at 181. That’s a reduction of 54 pounds. I’m not yet diced and still don’t have the 8 pack that I once had – that will happen in due time with patience and practicing the long-term and sustainable habits I learned.

  • Melissa A.

    “Working with Danny has been the biggest game changer in my fitness journey! Consistency with a regimen is difficult to in the beginning but working with Danny and having daily check in’s keeps me accountable to my goals and also serves as a major motivator. It’s reassuring to know that I’m working with someone who has great knowledge about the industry and truly cares. Communication is key- Danny is very attentive, reliable, easy to reach and not only answers questions but encourages you to ask, big or small and explains the WHY behind the programming/nutrition which allows me to LEARN.

    I’m the healthiest and happiest both mentally and physically now, than I’ve ever been and I attribute a lot of it to working with Danny. My biggest take away is that this is a lifestyle- You can be on track with your goals AND enjoy your life throughout the process.”

  • Patricia T.

    “Danny Matranga literally saved my life! When I met him on January 2, 2015, I was in chronic acute pain due to a poorly done total hip replacement surgery that I’d had a year and a half earlier. I was practically suicidal! Danny listened to me describe my pain and then went above and beyond the call of duty to research my problem and design exercises and stretches for me that greatly reduced my pain over time and helped me regain my balance which I had lost due to the surgery.

    In addition to my physical pain, I was also racked with grief over losing my husband to kidney failure the year before. As young as he is, his empathetic pep talks and words of encouragement helped me to believe that I could in fact accomplish my goals and feel like a whole person again. I will have been working out with Danny for 4 years in January 2019. I could probably do a halfway decent job of working out on my own, but I so much enjoy Danny’s company as well as his coaching, I’m sticking with him! I know I get so much more out of my workouts with his tutelage. He makes working out a pleasure!”

  • Hilary S.

    Working with Danny was such an incredible experience. When I first signed up for coaching I had certain performance goals I wanted to hit and through his programming and endless support, I hit every single one - and then some! I improved in every single one of my lifts - with form & in weight. I became increasingly confident in the gym and when I started feeling & seeing the results of Danny's programming, the confidence I had within my own body soared. It's amazing what can happen when you keep showing up for yourself and stay consistent - that was perhaps the biggest takeaway. There were moments when I'd feel discouraged with my progress or performance, but Danny help me to adapt where necessary and encouraged me to keep going. He was available for alllll my questions, and was always checking in along the way to see how I was doing. What I learned from him was truly invaluable - he's such a trusted source amongst all the noise in the fitness/wellness industry. I loved having him in my corner.

  • Savannah M.

    Before working with CORE and Coach Danny I was lifting somewhat consistently but never seemed to make that much progress. These past few months training with CORE have made me both physically and mentally stronger, thank God. The programming/education is the best I’ve ever done. I’m so happy with this current peak in my journey

  • Jennifer C.

    My initial decision to work with Danny stemmed from the hope of losing weight. I wanted to push myself mentally and physically to prove something deeper to myself. I had immense knee pain, chronic migraines (3-6/month), lower back pain, and so much mental shame. Danny met me where I was at and personalized my training to goals that were sustainable. I quickly realized how much fun I was having in these ways that challenged me, and that maybe I wanted more than just weight loss. Throughout the process, my mentality shifted resulting in respect for my mind and body, long-term goals of powerlifting and competing, and feeling so damn proud of the triceps and quads I was now seeing fill out my clothes. What’s truly remarkable is that I didn’t know my goals and mentality switched, they just did at some point in my process. That’s how good Danny is at his job. He inspires sustainable lifestyle change. Some of his encouragement and inspiration is verbal, though much of it is emulated through the person he is and the way he lives his life.

    I’m at a loss of words as I wrap up training with Danny. My knee pain is gone, my migraine frequency has decreased, and my mentality around body image has shifted, although that’s not even the best part. I have learned about grinding, consistency, resilience, and patience and those lessons are irreplaceable to me.

    Danny has been my rock, has supported me through 4 surgeries, mental health challenges, and the move from career to grad school. He understands the fitness world like no one else I’ve met, he pushes with just the right amount of tough-love, and he provides unconditional encouragement. I could not have done it without him. If you find yourself on the fence about working with Danny and his company, take this as your sign and do it. I’m a registered dietitian and a doctorate student, so if I can do it then so can you!